Organizations are often asked to meet corporate objectives more efficiently. They can do so by making better decisions with the help of more comprehensive and reliable information, more objective interpretations, more accurate insights and more frequent adjustments. One of our roles, aligned with the broader strategic goal of improving the operational effectiveness and profitability of our clients, is to help them establish regular and consistent processes to collect and interpret relevant information, enabling them to make better decisions that improve profitability by increasing revenues or reducing costs.
The first step is to establish processes that regularly collect and aggregate reliable information. This step must be carefully planned. If conflicting information is obtained, it may diminish the credibility of the rest of the information or yield fresh insights. Thus, information should be stored in such a way that it may be verified against its original source and, where possible, against other sources of the same information, but without needless replication.
Once adequately comprehensive and reliable information gathering processes have been established, the organization is ready to evaluate the meaning of the information by defining key metrics and performance indicators. This process of interpretation may require insights from a cross-section of professions, and it may involve accountants, actuaries, mathematicians, business people, and computer scientists.
The final step is to create systems (computer or human) that automatically produce up-to-date reports for decision-makers. The methods used to interpret the data are 'programmed' into automated jobs that are executed regularly to produce reports and presentations of insightfully chosen, decision-relevant facts.
TCEG's team of programmers and senior consultants translate business processes into technology assets. We consult with industry leaders to create tools and processes that meet their unique requirements.